Easy customer search
Slicing/dicing and drilling-down through your data hoping for a good insight is so last year. Just enter a customer name in OnlyBoth and get all their comparative insights instantly. Or enter the name of a person to get the most noteworthy insights across their assigned book of customers helping to focus attention where it matters most.

Perfect English insights
No longer do you need to decipher complex graphs, charts and visualizations to spot an insight. OnlyBoth writes the insights for you in plain, to-the-point English paragraphs, ready to share with others.
Deep, smart analysis
OnlyBoth goes much deeper than simple rankings, rudimentary correlations and industry averages. Our artificial intelligence automatically:
- Pinpoints hard-to-find comparative insights as well as the easy ones
- Analyzes meaningful comparisons and correlations across many variables
- Explores the obvious and countless hidden ways that customers are similar
- Brings the most noteworthy comparative insights to your attention

Insight-driven actions
Actions must follow insights to get better outcomes. OnlyBoth gives you the option to present the right recommended actions from your success playbook with each insight. You’ll be automatically guided to more success.